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Curriculum Intent

Key Stage 5

We have chosen our A Level course to engage student’s interest, help them understand the world around them and give them the tools to be politically active. The fascinating course weaves together British Politics and key ideas, then moves on to US politics and comparisons with the UK. The department is experienced in helping students of different abilities access and enjoy the course as well as supporting them in written work. Our course allows us to dive deep into the debates and issues; as well as to rise above them, to discuss principles and ideas. We have many students going on to study Politics, and related subjects, at university and this course provides them with a sound basis to do so.

Curriculum Implementation

Key Stage 5: A Level (Edexcel)

Years 12 and 13

British Politics:

Political participation

Core Political Ideas: Liberalism Conservatism Socialism

British Government:

How the system works

Optional ideas:


Comparative Politics:

US Government and Politics


Key Stage 5

  • Students will understand the government of USA and UK, how citizens of these countries engage with their government, key elements of four ideologies and how they have been used in history and in politics today
  • Students will be able to analyse and evaluate evidence and improve their essay writing technique
  • Students will be encouraged to engage with the news media and be taught skills to critically evaluate it
  • Students will be taught how to read a text critically