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Curriculum Intent

Key Stage 5

The study of A Level Sociology focuses on an understanding of contemporary society. Studying Sociology fosters the development of critical and reflective thinking with a respect for social diversity. It also provides an awareness of the importance of social structure and social action in explaining social issues. Students are encouraged to develop their own sociological awareness through active engagement with the contemporary social world. The Eduqas A Level in Sociology encourages students to:

  • acquire knowledge and a critical understanding of contemporary social processes and social changes
  • appreciate the significance of theoretical and conceptual issues in sociological debate
  • understand and evaluate sociological methodology and a range of research methods through active involvement in the research process
  • develop skills that enable individuals to focus on their personal identity, roles and responsibilities within society
  • develop a lifelong interest in social issues.

Studying sociology at A Level will give you an awareness of the social, political and economic issues that shape society. It will help you develop greater empathy towards communities that differ from your own and open your mind to a diverse range of ideas and beliefs.

Curriculum Implementation

Key Stage 5: A Level (Eduqas)

The Sociology A Level course comprises of three papers taken at the end of the two-year course. Paper 1 and Paper 3 are 2 hours 30 minutes, and Paper 2 is 1 hour and 45 minutes. All assessment is by written exam and there is no coursework component. Paper 1 and Paper 3 are each worth 40% of the qualification and Paper 2 is worth 20% of the qualification. Each paper includes a combination of short answer and extended essay writing questions. 40 mark essay questions are the highest tariff questions.

Paper 1 (Socialisation and Culture) and Paper 2 (Methods of Sociological Enquiry) are taught in Year 12. Paper 3 is taught in Year 13. Please see the curriculum journey for an overview of which topics are taught at each stage of the course.

Years 12 and 13

Paper 1 – Socialisation and Culture

2 hours 30 minutes (120 marks)

  • Socialisation and culture
  • Family and households
  • Education

Paper 2 – Methods of Sociological Enquiry

1 hour 45 minutes (60 marks)

  • Question based on stimulus material
  • Design, justify and evaluate a piece of sociological research

Paper 3 – Power and Stratification

2 hours 30 minutes (120 marks)

  • Social differentiation and stratification (Inequality)
  • Crime and deviance


Key Stage 5

Studying A level sociology will allow students to develop a deeper understanding of social structures and issues. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand, recall and evaluate a range of sociological perspectives and concepts. The course will teach students how to think critically and reflectively. It will strengthen students’ skills of communication, evaluation and analysis.

Regular completion of exam style questions, both in the lesson and set for homework are used to help students to practice exam skills and to assess students’ progress. End of topic knowledge checks and regular retrieval activities provide the opportunity to address misconceptions and facilitate appropriate teacher interventions.

The study of sociology develops academic and interpersonal skills necessary for a range of different roles and future careers. Sociology enhances students’ writing ability. It develops students’ cultural competence and self-awareness and helps them to understand other people’s cultural context and diverse beliefs.