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  • Chromebooks & BYOD

    Chromebooks at AHS

    We have a 1:1 system with Chromebooks at AHS. This means that all of our students use Chromebooks in lessons.

    99% of our students own these devices and make very good use of them in their day-to-day learning, with the small proportion of students who did not purchase a device able to borrow one from our library each day.

    Chromebooks have given our students access to all sorts of exciting educational apps and we have been impressed with how much more collaborative their learning has become. Google Classroom has been particularly beneficial in enabling them to share work and receive feedback – and all of this is available at home as well as at school.

    Chromebook FAQ

    What device do I need to purchase for use in school?

    Devices need to be actual Chromebooks running ChromeOS. We generally suggest devices with at least 4gb RAM and a 64GB eMMC. Devices running Windows, Linux or any other OS will not be accepted.

    You will also need to purchase a Chromebook licence directly from the school (unless you are in Sixth Form).

    What is a Chromebook License and why do I need to purchase one?

    Your device will need to be enrolled onto the AHS Google Workspace domain before it is usable in school. Google provides licences to facilitate this. Licences currently cost £40. Purchasing a licence allows us to enrol your device on our domain.

    Enrollment gives you access to the AHS wifi network, enables required safeguarding and security measures, and allows you to print in school using your Chromebook.

    Sixth Form students are not required to purchase licences, as they access our wifi using the BYOD network.

    Please note that licences are device-specific. Google does not permit us to transfer licences between devices. If you are replacing a device, you will need to purchase a new license for it.

    Can I use a tablet?

    Tablets are not permitted between the years groups of 7-11. For Sixth Form students, an onscreen keyboard is not an appropriate keyboard for the amount of typing you will have to do with school work. However, if you have an add-on keyboard for your tablet this would be acceptable.

    What if I can’t afford a device?

    Please contact the school to discuss your options. There will be an opportunity to borrow a Chromebook on a long-term basis for Pupil Premium students and students claiming Sixth Form Bursary can use some of their funding towards the cost of a Chromebook.

    The IT department will also allocate temporary device loans if your Chromebook is being repaired.

    What do I do if I have a device but I don’t yet know if the battery life is long enough to last the day?

    We would suggest you bring this device to use in September. If it turns out the battery does not last long enough, you can borrow a Chromebook from the library in the short term whilst you investigate options for devices that have a longer battery life.

    What about our exams that have to be handwritten?

    We are not expecting you to be using your devices 24/7 and staff at AHS are very conscious of this. We are very aware that there needs to be a balance for a number of reasons, like the fact you will handwrite your exams at the end of the year.

    Will we still have textbooks?

    This will vary from subject to subject. Some subjects use electronic textbooks. Some subjects keep textbooks in the classroom and leave the electronic version for you to use at home. Some subjects use paper copies of textbooks, especially if they had them from before we went 1:1.

    Help! I’ve damaged my Chromebook!

    Whilst the school and IT team will endeavour to assist you with any issues you might have with your Chromebook, we cannot repair physical damage or high-level technical issues with your devices as they are not owned by the school, and we don’t want to void any warranties you might have in place.

    In cases where you’ve damaged your device, you will need to send it for repair by contacting the reseller it was purchased from. Most resellers will provide you with a two year warranty which you can invoke to get your device repaired quickly.

    If you are sending your device away for repair, please contact the school and the IT department will arrange a temporary loan device for you to use in the interim. Daily device loans are also available from the library.

    If you purchased your Chromebook through the school (from September 2020 - September 2022)

    Please contact Edde on 01494 611465 or at [email protected] and they will help you arrange repair.

    Edde Insurance Policy information

    • Sept 2020 – Sept 2023: See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.
    • Sept 2021 – Sept 2024: See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.
    • Sept 2022 – Sept 2025: See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.

    Chromebook Tips

    You might find some of these links useful:
    Digital tools for learning
    Getting started with my Chromebook
    How to connect to wifi at home
    How to connect a printer
    How to customise my desktop/shelf
    Keyboard shortcuts
    How to set Chrome as my default browser
    How to change my Chromebook password
    How to use Google Keep
    How to add an event to Google Calendar
    How to add Reminders to Google Calendar
    How to view your Classroom calendar
    How to organise your Google Drive

    BYOD & Wifi at AHS

    Students from years 7-11 will have their Chromebooks automatically joined to the school wifi when their devices are enrolled.

    If you are in Sixth Form, you will be able to join the school’s BYOD wifi network. To log on to the BYOD wifi network, you will need to provide your school desktop username and password along with the following settings:

    • EAP method: PEAP
    • EAP Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPv2
    • Server CA certificate: Do not check

    If you have any issues connecting to the BYOD network, please visit the IT office during school hours and the team will assist you.

    Please note that the Guest wifi network is not open to students.