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  • How Important are GCSE Grades

    Our students generally achieve very commendable grades at the end of Key Stage 4 through their natural ability, hard work and a bit of help from AHS!  It is not necessary to abandon all other interests in order to succeed at Key Stage 4; our experience is that students can and should manage a sensible balance of school work and outside activities - neither should overwhelm the other.  In any case, for most students, Key Stage 4 is the start of many years of public exams, so working out a good work-life balance will set habits for the Sixth Form and university or further studies.

    There is a minimum entry requirement for the Sixth Form at this school and many other educational establishments, based on your GCSE grades.  You will need at least a GCSE Grade 6 and possibly higher in any subject that you wish to take at A Level, Grade 5 or higher in English Language and Maths, and a minimum number of points (currently 44 at AHS) from your best eight GCSEs including English and Maths.

    GCSE grades are also important because they form part of your CV, which is with you for life.  University admissions tutors and employers examine your Key Stage 4 grades and qualifications closely before making any offers of courses or employment, even if they are also looking at predicted A Level grades.  For some competitive university courses, including medicine, they expect very strong GCSE grades as well as the required A Level predictions.  See Informed Choices on the Useful Links page of this section of the website for more information.