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     Core Subjects

    English Language & English Literature



    Edexcel 1ENO

    Edexcel 1ETO

    English Language and English Literature are taught as an integrated course; students gain 2 GCSEs.


    Why study English Language?

    This course will develop your skills in:

    • Reading a range of texts from Victorian to modern novels, poetry to newspaper articles

    • Writing for a number of purposes, including description, persuasion and information and for a variety of audiences.  You will be given the opportunity to write in different styles including speeches, magazine articles and narrative writing.  

    • Using spelling, punctuation and grammar correctly.

    • Speaking and Listening in debates, small group discussions and presentations.  This is reported alongside the GCSE grade rather than contributing to it.


    How is it assessed?

    • 100% Examination at the end of Year 11

    Paper 1 (40%)                   1¾ hour                                Fiction and Imaginative Writing

    Paper 2 (60%)                   2 hours and 5 mins                Non-fiction and Transactional Writing


    Why study English Literature?

    You will experience a wide range of literature from classics to contemporary and be able to explore and develop your response to a variety of texts.  These might include:

    • Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and a post-1914 text such as Lord of the Flies 
    • A Shakespeare play, Macbeth
    • A selection of modern and pre-twentieth century poetry based on a theme


    How is it assessed?

    • 100% Examination at the end of Year 11

    Paper 1 (50%)                   1¾ hour               Shakespeare and Post-1914 Literature

    Paper 2 (50%)                   2¼ hour               19th-century Novel and Poetry since 1789


    What are the special features of the course?

    • You will enjoy a breadth of reading and writing to cater for many tastes.

    • You will have an appreciation of Literary Heritage.

    • You will develop analytical skills and the ability to select relevant information from different sources.

    • You will develop your essay writing skills and learn how to structure your ideas in a sophisticated way.

    • You will learn the importance of the contexts of literary works.

    • You will develop key skills, such as the techniques and confidence to speak in public and to present written assignments to meet a specification, eg a letter to a local newspaper or writing a dramatic story.

    • You may have the opportunity to visit the theatre and participate in workshops on some of the texts you study.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Elgin (English Curriculum Manager), your English teacher or the English Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the Edexcel website where you will find the specifications: and



    AQA 8300

    Why study Mathematics?

    Mathematics is a universal part of human culture.  It is the tool and language of the arts, commerce, computing, engineering and other sciences and plays a vital role in the modern world.  The Mathematics Department at AHS aims to encourage enjoyment of and enthusiasm for Mathematics.  You will be stretched and challenged by your mathematical activities, but also maintain confidence in your ability to deal with these challenges.  Typically, all students are entered for Higher Tier at GCSE.  

    Students participate in the National Mathematics Challenges and enjoy considerable success, with several students qualifying for the next round of competitions each year.  Students have the opportunity to attend a mathematics clinic which is open once a week for support in their studies.


    How is the course organised?

    The GCSE course builds on and develops the mathematical knowledge and understanding acquired in Key Stage 3.  It develops oral, written, practical and problem-solving skills, meeting the requirements of the Mathematics National Curriculum at Key Stage 4.  The efficient use of calculators is encouraged but during the course there is also emphasis on improving and enhancing your mental skills.  The content is differentiated to match the abilities of individual students.  You will be taught in the most appropriate teaching set, to bring out the best in each student.


    How is the GCSE Mathematics course assessed?

    Paper 1                  Non-calculator                33⅓%                    1½ hours 

    Papers 2 & 3           Calculator                       33⅓% each            1½ hours each

    Content from any part of the specification may be assessed on any of the papers which have a mix of question styles from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems.  The mathematical demand increases as the student progresses through the paper.  

    The six topics covered are: 

    • Number

    • Algebra

    • Ratio 

    • Proportion and rates of change

    • Geometry and measures 

    • Probability and statistics

    For setting and timetabling purposes, students are streamed by ability into two bands, N and M, in which there are sets 1, 2 and 3. 

    Sets 1 and 2 have also had the opportunity to study AQA Level 2 Further Mathematics 8365. The extra content is taught over the course of Year 10 and there is an overlap with GCSE Mathematics. 


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Davidson-Fox (Head of Mathematics), Miss Stephens (KS4 Maths Coordinator), your Maths teacher or the Maths Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification:



    AQA 8365

    Sets 1 and 2 (four sets in total) will also study for the Further Mathematics Level 2 qualification. This is built into the GCSE lessons and is taught alongside the GCSE Mathematics. Set 3 groups (there are three) will focus solely on their GCSE Mathematics. 

    AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Maths is a unique qualification designed to stretch and challenge high achieving mathematicians who either already have, or are expected to achieve the top grades in GCSE Mathematics or are likely to progress to study A Level Mathematics and possibly A Level Further Mathematics.

    High-achieving students are introduced to AS topics that will help them develop skills in algebra, geometry, calculus, matrices, trigonometry, functions and graphs.


    • This will stretch and challenge the most able mathematicians

    • Deepens understanding of GCSE topics and helps students attain the top grades at GCSE

    • Basic AS level techniques are covered


    • Not a lot of consolidation time - you will need to be able to grasp topics very quickly and apply your knowledge 

    • 2 extra exams at the end of Year 11

    • Revision time is split between your GCSE Mathematics and the Further Mathematics Level 2

    • The workload already created by 10 GCSEs is significant 





    AQA 8461

    AQA 8462

    AQA 8463

    Why study Science?

    Science is a compulsory National Curriculum subject because a good knowledge of Science is essential in our increasingly competitive world – whether or not you might go on to study Science after Key Stage 4.  Science helps students understand the world around them and this specification provides a broad and balanced coverage of scientific facts, theories and concepts, and shows how these are applied in the world about us.  We aim for students to enjoy and benefit from their study of Science.  

    These courses are excellent preparation for any Science course at A level.


    How is the course organised?

    The specification conforms to the Programme of Study for Key Stage 4 of the National Curriculum Orders for Science.  It is taught in the three separate subject areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics - allowing students to distinguish between the different disciplines.  Each student has three teachers, as each subject is taught by a specialist in that field.  

    The course leads to three GCSE qualifications:

    • GCSE Biology

    • GCSE Chemistry

    • GCSE Physics

    Each subject aims to give an insight into Science in the 21st Century; how scientists work, how they solve problems and evaluate evidence and the implications of science in society.  As well as a substantial amount of factual knowledge, scientific processes, such as explaining, theorising and modelling, are important parts of GCSE Science.


    What are the special features of the course?

    Content:          This is delivered through the three subject areas: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.                        

    ICT:                  Incorporated where relevant and is used to enhance the scientific concepts being taught.  

    Entry Tiers:     There are two tiers of entry for each written paper:

    Foundation            (target grades 5 to 1)

    Higher                   (target grades 9 to 5) 

    Students will be entered for the tier most appropriate to their standard of work; however, we expect most students to take the Higher Tier examinations.

    Practical Endorsement:   Practical work is at the heart of science and students’ demonstration of their practical and investigative skills forms part of their assessment.


    How are the Sciences assessed?

    Each separate Science is assessed by means of two written examinations.  Each examination is worth 100 marks and constitutes 50% of the GCSE.  Each paper covers a different range of topics (see below) and contains a mixture of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response questions.

    Biology Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and response; Bioenergetics; Homeostasis and response; Inheritance; variation and evolution; Ecology.

    Chemistry Separating techniques and atomic structure; Periodic Table; Structure and bonding; Quantitative Chemistry; Chemical changes; Energy changes; The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic Chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; Using resources.

    Physics Energy; Electricity; Particle model of matter; Atomic structure; Forces; Waves; Magnetism and electromagnetism; Space Physics.

    All examinations are taken at the end of Year 11.

    In addition to the written examinations, candidates receive a ‘practical endorsement’ from the School.  This requires each student to complete practical activities in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  These are undertaken as a normal part of the curriculum and represent only part of the experimental and investigative work that students will complete as part of their scientific education.  The practical endorsement is not graded and does not affect the final GCSE mark.  Students merely have to have demonstrated their practical competency in key areas over the duration of the GCSE course.


    Other information

    This specification offers students the opportunity to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding, as well as important skills which are relevant in any area of learning.  Technological applications and social, economic and environmental issues, together with citizenship, all have a place in the teaching of the specification.  Processes of science are also emphasised, together with the nature of scientific enquiry. Qualifications in GCSE Sciences are highly regarded whatever your future intentions.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Nicholls (Head of Chemistry), Ms Sowah (Head of Biology), Mrs Brittain (Head of Physics) your Science teacher or the Science Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specifications: 

    PE (Core)

    The Physical Education course at Key Stage 4 is run on a modular basis.  It is a compulsory National Curriculum subject for everyone.


    Why study PE?

    During Key Stage 4, students tackle a wide range of activities, where students are encouraged to get involved in physical activity that is mainly focused on competing or performing, promoting health and well-being, developing personal fitness and leadership.


    How is the course organised?

    Although there is an emphasis on individual performance, the areas of coaching and officiating are also explored. These areas are covered in depth through the activities of health-related fitness (circuit training and how to train/learn to compete), rounders, volleyball, basketball, aerobics, handball, 5-a-side football, run for fun and badminton.

    Students study the principles of fitness and health and will cultivate a knowledge and understanding of the following:

    • how preparation, training and fitness relate to and affect performance

    • how to design and carry out activity and training programmes that have specific purposes

    • the importance of exercise and activity to personal, social and mental health and well-being

    • how to monitor and develop your own training, exercise and activity programmes in and out of school


    How is it assessed?

    The Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership, run by Leadership Skills Foundation, benefits students by creating leadership skills for life, becoming more qualified; experienced; employable; community minded; ambitious and active.  The course is broken down into two units:

    Unit 1   Establishing leadership skills

    • Know the skills and behaviours needed to lead others

    • Be able to use leadership skills and behaviours effectively

    • Be able to take on the roles and responsibilities of an official in sport/physical activity

    • Know the leadership opportunities available 

    Unit 2   Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activity 

    • Know how to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity

    • Be able to plan structured and inclusive sport/physical activity

    • Know how to lead structured and inclusive sport/physical activity

    • Be able to assist in leading structured and inclusive sport/physical activity

    • Be able to review a sport/physical activity

    There will be the opportunity to accredit your achievements through this national award scheme if you wish.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Sole-Bradley (Director of Sport) and the PE Team.


    Option Subjects



    EDEXCEL 1AD0 or 1FA0

    Why study Art, Craft and Design?

    Art, Craft and Design develops your ability to appreciate the visual world, and helps you to respond to this world in a personal and imaginative way.  Taking GCSE Art, Craft & Design prepares you for further study at A Level, degree or foundation level and is a good foundation for a career in the Arts. If a student is considering doing both Art and Textiles GCSE they must speak to both Mrs Hartwell and Mrs Taylor before completing their options due to the significant similarity of these two subject specifications and the workload demands that both require. We recommend you have GCSE Art if you wish to pursue this at A Level. 

    We encourage personal, creative and imaginative approaches and you learn how to communicate and express original ideas, feelings and meanings.  You will also develop your investigative, analytical and enquiring minds, and learn to understand past and contemporary Art, Craft and Design practice.  


    How is the course organised?

    In Year 10 you learn about Art processes and build on skills from Key Stage 3.  At the start of the course you will be given a starting point, such as Growth and Decay. You will explore and make images, experiment with ideas and processes, media, materials and techniques, develop critical understanding through your investigations, and develop and refine ideas and create exciting imaginative responses. 

    In Year 11 you will develop your work with much more independence, utilising skills learnt earlier on in the course. You will have the option to continue with your first project, developing your ideas showing more refined skill and risk taking or you can start a new project based on a new theme.  This work will be lead to your mock examination and the final outcome for this component. 


    How is it assessed?

    Personal Portfolio (60%): Unit 1AD01 / 1AF01

    Two units of coursework are internally set and assessed, and externally moderated.

    Externally Set Assignment (40%): Unit 1AD02/ 1AF02

    The ESA paper is released in January of Year 11 and consists of preparatory studies, based on the thematic starting point, followed by a ten-hour timed test under examination conditions where you will work unaided to produce personal responses.

    In accordance with JCQ guidance, students cannot further revise work for their NEA after any marks have been shared.  This includes the Year 11 mock exam piece.


    What are the special features of the course?

    All projects begin with research and recording ideas and observations, and require you to make reference to artists and designers from a variety of periods and cultures, with the possibility of visiting artists enhancing the course. We try to enrich your learning with trips  such as going to the Oxford Museum and Botanical Gardens or London or a visiting artist’s workshop. 

    You are encouraged to express yourselves in 2D and 3D.  You will be taught to develop ideas in the form of drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures and constructions, digital and mixed media pieces.  All work produced will be displayed at a special end-of-course GCSE Summer exhibition, where family and friends will get the opportunity to appreciate and view all of your hard work!


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Hartwell (Head of Art) or the Art Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the Edexcel website where you will find the specification: 

    Please note that you should probably not take Art if you are taking Textiles GCSE.  If you are considering this combination, we will want a meeting in school with parents to discuss the implications.



    AQA 8132

    Why study Business?

    Are you amused and entertained by adverts, but wonder about their impact and target market?  Do you want to learn about how your favourite products are  made and sold?  Or why brands like Apple, Tiffany’s or Ferrari can charge a premium price for their products?

    Maybe you enjoy watching Dragon’s Den and the Apprentice, or have your own ideas for a new product or service?

    No matter what your vision, it’s all here in Business GCSE, giving you an incredibly powerful start to launch your career with transferable skills and knowledge that will apply to and complement any subjects or career choice.

    Regardless of whether you’d like to become an entrepreneur, or work for any organisation, the Business course will be relevant. You’ll learn about money and develop skills in budgeting and financial awareness.  Studying people management helps you build leadership skills, while looking at recruitment allows you to develop an eye for what prospective employers are looking for.  The GCSE course gives an overview to what the businesses all around us are doing, studying their management, finance, marketing and operations.


    How is the course organised?

    The course is split into two units, on “Operations and Human Resource Management” and “Marketing and Finance”.  Lessons will involve a mix of business case studies, videos, practical tasks and theory.  There are regular assignments taken from GCSE exam papers to ensure you are making the good progress we expect from you. 


    How is it assessed?

    • 2 exams taken at the end of Year 11 - both last 1 hour 45 minutes and contain a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer, calculation and extended answer questions, based on a business case study.

    • Both exams are worth 50%.  There is no coursework.


    What are the special features of the course?

    No-one studies Business before Year 10.  You will be new to the subject and so is everyone else.  It is a diverse and real-world subject, with a variety of topics from the creative flair of marketing, product design, motivating and managing people as well as the logic of finance.  Whatever you hope to do in the future, your Business GCSE will be valued and relevant to any organisation, helping you with further study and building a career or your own businesses. Although desirable, you do not need Business GCSE to study Business at A level at AHS.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Morris (Head of Business and Economics) or the Business Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification:

    Computer Science


    AQA 8525

    Why study Computer Science?

    The course will develop computational thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming, giving students an enjoyable and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects and even applied in day-to-day life. In most cases, students who take A Level Computer Science have studied it at GCSE. 


    Where will success in GCSE Computer Science take me?

    The increasing importance of information technologies means there will be a growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area.  The course provides excellent preparation for higher study in the field of computer science. Furthermore, it prepares students who want to study or work in numerous areas that rely on these skills. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science, medicine, business, media, teaching and fashion.


    How is the course organised?

    In Year 10 and 11, you cover the body of knowledge required for the exams.  You will learn about: 

    Unit 1 -  Computational thinking and problem solving

    Computational thinking, code tracing, problem-solving, programming concepts including the design of effective algorithms and the designing, writing, testing and refining of code. 

    Pupils will be expected to answer a mix of multiple choice, short answer and longer answer questions assessing programming, practical problem-solving and computational thinking skills.  

    Unit 2  - Computing concepts

    Theoretical knowledge including: Fundamentals of data representation, Computer systems, Fundamentals of computer networks, Cyber security, Relational databases and structured query language (SQL), Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy. 

    Pupils will be expected to answer a mix of multiple choice, short answer, longer answer and extended response questions assessing SQL programming skills and theoretical knowledge.


    How is it assessed?

    Unit 1                   50% Written paper                 2 hours                 

    Unit 2                   50% Written paper                 1 ¾ hours          


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Petty (Head of Computing) or the Computer Science Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 



    AQA 8236

    Why study Dance?

    Dance is a stimulating, practical, creative subject in which students develop their skills as both performer and choreographer. A range of dance styles are studied but the main focus is contemporary dance.  The course is based around the three areas of creating, performing and appraising dances.  As a performer you will develop your technical and expressive skills and perform in both solo and group pieces.  You learn about choreography in a practical and theoretical way and through studying professional dance works.  In addition you learn about dance production such as how lighting and costume inform a dance work, as well as developing skills in analysing and appraising dance.  If you are interested in a career in the arts or would simply like to develop your creative and expressive skills then this course is for you.  


    Where could success in GCSE Dance lead?

    GCSE Dance provides a route to further and higher education in dance, performing arts or PE, as well as vocational or professional training and community activities.  Possible career paths include: performer, choreographer, teacher, community artist, arts and events management, arts administration, theatre production, arts journalism.


    How is the course organised?

    You will develop your skills in all three areas through a range of practice and exam-based tasks in Year 10.  All units are completed and assessed in Year 11.


    How is the course assessed?

    1.                  Performance                     30%

    • Set phrases through a solo performance (1½ minutes)
    • Duet/trio performance (3½ minutes)

    2.                  Choreography                   30%

    • Choreograph a solo or group dance in response to an externally set stimulus
    • Complete a choreographic log and programme note to accompany the dance

    3.                  Written paper                  40%        (1½ hours)    

    • Section A: Knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills
    • Section B: Critical appreciation of own performance and choreography
    • Section C: Critical appreciation of a range of professional dance works


    What are the special features of the course?

    This course is particularly suited to those who enjoy working in a practical way as 60% of the assessment is completed through practical performance and choreographic pieces.  There is also a strong link with the professional dance world; students study a range of professional dance works through practical and theory work; they participate in workshops with artists from professional dance companies and theatre trips are arranged so that students have the opportunity to see live dance productions.


    How can I find out more?

    See Miss McKendrick (Head of Dance) or the Dance Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 




    Why study Drama?

    Consider taking Drama if you have a love for all things Theatre, Drama and performance! But also consider the life-skills and and transferable skills that studying Drama can develop. This course enables you to develop your confidence, public speaking, team work and resilience skills as well as developing the dramatic techniques studied at KS3. You will be able to create your own work for presentation as well as evaluate the work of others in live performance. In most cases, students who take A Level Drama have studied it at GCSE. 


    How is the course organised and assessed?

    This course assesses the process of making Drama as well as exploring the final product.  It develops your understanding of drama and theatre, and you study the social, historical and cultural context that surrounds the work.  

    Component 1                   Devising Theatre (Non-Exam Assessment, internally assessed, 40%)

    You will participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using EITHER the techniques of an influential practitioner OR a genre, in response to a stimulus chosen by EDUQAS.

    You must produce: 

    • A devised performance
    • Supporting evidence

    Component 2                   Performing from a text (assessed by a visiting examiner, 20%)

    In this unit you will perform 2 extracts from the same text.  This is a text that you will select and study, covering the social, historical and cultural context as well as choosing appropriate lighting, sound and costume where necessary.

    Component 3                   Interpreting Theatre (written exam, 1½ hour, 40%)

    In lessons we will study one of the following texts both practically and though theory lessons.  In the exam you will be asked to respond as the performer, designer and the director.

    • Macbeth, William Shakespeare
    • An Inspector Calls, J.B. Priestley
    • Find Me, Olwen Wymark
    • Noughts & Crosses, Malorie Blackman
    • Refugee Boy, Benjamin Zephaniah
    • I Love You Mum – I Promise I Won’t Die, Mark Wheeller
    • The IT, Vivienne Franzmann

    You will also have ONE question requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live production we have seen.  


    What are the special features of the course?

    You will be expected to attend organised theatre visits out of school time and performance workshops as important preparation for the practical and written examination, as well as drawing on your wider experience of Drama and Theatre.  The course will provide a supported and enjoyable environment in which to take creative risks, work closely in collaboration with others, draw on your wider cultural experiences, and become constructively self-critical.  


    Other information

    A genuine interest in the qualities of performance, a willingness to read plays and work as an ensemble is essential.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Hughes (Head of Drama) or the Drama Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the WJEC/Eduqas website where you will find the specification: 



    AQA 8136

    Why study Economics?

    Are you curious about how the world works?  Economics has the answer.  It is the study of how we can satisfy our infinite wants, with the scarce resources available on earth.  

    Why are there such contrasts between wealth and poverty in our world?  How can we keep consuming goods and services while minimising the impact on the environment?  What does the government do to improve living standards, reduce prices and reduce unemployment?  How have globalisation and trade contributed to the Brexit vote and Trump’s election win?

    Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on each other.  It relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms.  The economic way of thinking can help us make better choices.


    How is the course organised?

    The course is split into two units, on “How markets work” (Microeconomics) and “How the economy works” (Macroeconomics). Lessons will involve a mix of economic theory, real-world application and following economic developments, videos and practical tasks.  There are regular assignments taken from GCSE exam papers to ensure you are making the good progress we expect from you.  


    How is it assessed?

    • Two exams taken at the end of Year 11 - both last 1 hour 45 minutes and contain a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer, calculation and extended answer questions.

    • Both exams are worth 50%.  There is no coursework or controlled assessment.


    What are the special features of the course?

    No-one studies Economics before Year 10.  You will be new to the subject and so is everyone else.  It is a diverse and real-world subject, focused on how governments and institutions implement policies to improve the economy and how businesses and households behave rationally and irrationally.  Whatever you hope to do in future, your Economics GCSE will give you a new way of thinking and looking at the world, as well as knowledge and skills valuable in any career. Although desirable, you do not need Economics GCSE to study Economics at A level at AHS.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Morris (Head of Business and Economics) or the Economics Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification:



    AQA 8852

    Why study Engineering?

    The sky’s the limit.  Engineering is an increasingly innovative and exciting area to work in.  It affects every aspect of modern life – from skyscrapers to smart phones, cars to carrier bags.  The GCSE Engineering course introduces students to a host of new technologies, helping them to gain practical skills and understanding to inspire a lifelong interest in engineering.  It will particularly appeal to those who enjoy being creative, with an affinity for drawing, design, maths and problem-solving.  There is a clear structure to the assessment, an internally assessed and externally moderated single design and make activity and a written examination using a mixture of question styles, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.  


    How is the course organised?

    The subject content is split into six sections; engineering materials, engineering manufacturing processes, systems, testing and investigation, the impact of modern technologies and practical engineering skills.  The subject content is taught within a range of realistic contexts based around the major themes in the specification.  The students produce design work and practical pieces during Year 10 to help to understand subject content.  To gain the most from the specification, sections are taught holistically.  For example, the properties of particular materials could be taught in a practical environment.  Students must also demonstrate mathematical knowledge and understanding, in relation to engineering.  


    How is it assessed?

    Unit 1:  Written exam: 2 hours, 120 marks (60%) 

    Sections 1–6 from the subject content.  Though the 'Practical engineering skills' section will predominantly be assessed through the NEA, some questions in the written exam will relate to practical contexts and students will need to apply their understanding within these contexts.

    Unit 2:  Non-exam assessment (NEA): 30 hours approx., worth 80 marks (40%).  This is an internally assessed and externally moderated single design-and-make activity selected from a range of tasks set by the Exam Board.  

    Students produce: 

    • engineering drawings or schematics to communicate a solution to the brief
    • an engineering product that solves a problem

    The NEA project consists of a working prototype and a concise portfolio including sector-specific drawings and an evaluation of their product.  

    The portfolio will consist of an investigation into a context; analysis of the problem; relevant research to formulate a range of methods of solving the problem (including modelling); systems diagrams and sector-specific drawings; a final prototype that is fit for purpose, a test plan and a final evaluation.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Potkin (Head of  DT and Engineering) and also have a look at the work produced by students in Years 10 and 11.

    Have a look at the AQA website for details about the specification: 

    Food Preparation & Nutrition


    AQA 8585

    Why study GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition? 

    Food Preparation and Nutrition is a highly creative course which equips students with an array of culinary techniques, giving them confidence to cook with ingredients across the globe.  

    At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students' practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition.  Much of the specification will be delivered through preparation and making activities. Students will be able to make the connection between theory and practice and apply their understanding of food and nutrition to practical preparation.

    Subject content:

    1.      Food Nutrition and Health

    2.      Food Science

    3.      Food Safety

    4.      Food Choice

    5.      Food Provenance


    Where will success in GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition take me?

    Upon completion of this GCSE, students will be qualified to go on to further study, or embark on a full-time career in the catering or food industries.  This could include very rewarding careers such as a Food Technologist, Product Developer or Dietician/Nutritionist.  Other possible career paths include Social Work, Teaching, Public Health Officer, Health Adviser or Medicine.


    How is the course organised?

    During Year 10, the students develop their background knowledge, problem-solving techniques and practical skills both in making dishes, experimental work and taste-testing, in preparation for their non-exam assessment tasks and final theory paper.  In Year 11, the students mainly focus on their two non-exam assessment tasks.


    How is it assessed? 

    Written exam:    1¾ hour (50%)

      • Multiple choice questions (20 marks)    

      • Usually 5 questions each with a number of sub-headings (80 marks)

    Non-exam assessment (NEA) tasks set by the exam board (50%).

    Task 1                   Food Investigation                         (30 marks/15%) 

    Students' understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients will be tested.  One task is selected from the three set by the exam board in September of Year 11.  Students produce a written or electronic report (1,500–2,000 words) including photographic evidence of the practical investigation.  

    Task 2                   Food Preparation Assessment   (70 marks/35%)

    Students' knowledge, skills and understanding are tested in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition, related to the chosen task.  

    One task is selected from the three set by the exam board in November of Year 11.  

    As part of this students prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.  They produce a written or electronic portfolio including photographic evidence, not exceeding 20 A4 pages.  


    How can I find out more? 

    See Mrs Saunders (Head of Food), Mrs Balch or the Subject Ambassador. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 



    AQA 8035

    Why study Geography?

    Ever noticed how much Geography there is in the news? 

    Geography is the study of real places and real people.  It investigates some of the major issues in the world today, such as climate change, water insecurity, economic inequality and threats to biodiversity, as well as issues closer to home here in the UK, such as managing our landscapes and the challenges facing urban areas. The GCSE Geography course takes a modern approach to classic themes such as coastal landscapes and urban change; topics examine spatial patterns, global connections and live debates that concern us all.  

    Geography is a relevant, 21st Century subject which helps us to develop informed opinions and reasoned arguments, while broadening our numerical skills and use of data; all key traits valued by employers today. 


    Why study Geography at AHS?

    • A ‘facilitating’ subject valued by employers and suitable to support a wide range of A Levels

    • Fun and exciting field trip 

    • Lessons that challenge and make you think 

    • Excellent resources to support your learning 

    • Dynamic and relevant curriculum 


    How is the course organised and assessed?

    You will study six topics, three of which focus on Physical Geography and three on Human Geography. 

    In Year 10, you will study: Urban Issues and Challenges, The Living World (rainforests and cold environments), Physical Landscapes of the UK (coasts and glaciers) and The Challenge of Resource Management. 

    In Year 11, you will study: The Challenge of Natural Hazards and The Changing Economic World.

    You will also undertake two geographical enquiries during a 3 day field trip. These enquiries will be assessed through the Geographical Applications paper, which requires you to write about these fieldwork experiences, demonstrate your geographical skills and evaluate a geographical issue (released 12 weeks before the exam). This paper is worth 30% of your GCSE. 

    The field trip is an excellent opportunity for you to consolidate and extend your geographical understanding by relating learning to real experiences of the world.  This will involve three days away (within the UK) on a residential trip and the cost of this will be under £300; the school will provide financial support where necessary. 

    At the end of Year 11 you will sit three written exam papers; there is no non examined assessment (coursework project) in Geography. 

    • Paper 1 Physical Geography                                  1 hour 30 mins (35%) 

    • Paper 2 Human Geography                                    1 hour 30 mins (35%) 

    • Paper 3 Geographical Applications                         1 hour 30 mins (30%)

    We offer an optional residential trip to Iceland in the May of Year 10, to experience the awe and wonder of the physical geography we study. All being well, we will look to make this an annual trip for any Year 10 student who has opted to take Geography at GCSE.  You will trek up a glacier, a volcano and experience the hot springs of the Blue Lagoon along with visiting many other fascinating sites such as Geysir and Gulfoss waterfall often voted in the top 10 most spectacular waterfalls in the world. The current cost for this trip is in the region of £1500. 


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Carbonaro (Head of Geography), your Geography teacher or the Geography Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 

    Although desirable, you do not need Geography GCSE to study Geography at A level at AHS, however you do need a humanity GCSE.




    Why study History?

    • History is relevant to you.  History is all around you.  It is happening now.  Your world is being formed by what happened in the past, so an understanding of the past helps you to make sense of the world in which you live and helps you grow as an individual.

    • History prepares you for the challenges ahead.  Employers and universities value the skills that you will develop through History: the ability to analyse and explain; feeling confident about handling information; being able to write precisely; being able to form an argument and defend it.


    How is the course organised?

    We will introduce you to stories from across the medieval, early modern and modern periods, all held together by the big human themes that the History team have prepared you for over Key Stage Three: change, power, identity, conflict, freedom and struggle.  We will also let you explore living history in the shape of the unique History Around Us unit, which will connect many of our stories to today’s London through our study of London’s Bankside.

    Our units are:

    1. Thematic Study : Migrants to Britain c1250 to the present

    2. Period Study : The Mughal Empire in India 1526-1707

    3. British Depth Study : The Elizabethans 1580-1603

    4. World Depth Study : Living under Nazi Rule 1933-1945

    5. History Around Us : London’s Bankside


    How is it assessed?

    Component 1 :  British History (Thematic Study and British Depth Study) written exam 1¾ hours (40%)

    Component 2 :  History Around Us, written exam 1 hour (20%)

    Component 3 :  World History (Period Study and World Depth Study) written exam 1¾ hours (40%)


    What are the special features of the course?

    • An exciting and innovative GCSE course that builds on the AHS approach to History!

    • A unique History Around Us unit that takes you through the rich back-story of one of London’s most vibrant areas!  We’ll build our course around a visit to Bankside itself.

    • A Thematic Study that explores one of Britain’s key stories: that of the migrants it has (mostly) welcomed from 1250 to the present day.  This unit will help you see today’s Britain through a completely new lens and help add meaning to much of our history!

    • A study of Mughal India takes us far from home and introduces us to an amazing Empire!

    • A deep exploration of one of the most important and controversial periods in world history: Nazi rule in Germany.  Everyone should learn this story. We are currently organising a trip to Berlin to support this unit.  Look out for news!


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Annat (Head of History), your History teacher or the History Subject Ambassadors. See also 

    Although desirable, you do not need History GCSE to study History at A level at AHS, however you do need a humanity GCSE.

    Modern Languages







    Why study Modern Languages?

    • Languages broaden your horizons and open up a whole new world of opportunity.

    • There are over 5000 degree courses in the UK which involve the study of languages.  You can study languages combined with hundreds of other subjects such as Law, Economics, Engineering, History, Finance, Media, Broadcasting, Biology etc.

    Learning languages helps you to become a more confident communicator. You can experiment with new words and phrases is both fun and challenging. Whether or not you intend to specialise in this area, knowledge of one or more languages:

    • Enhances your job prospects – almost all jobs can be enhanced by the ability to speak a different language.  Employers are crying out for graduates with language skills.

    • Helps your university application – universities are looking for students with a wide range of transferable skills.  Languages are the ultimate in facilitating subjects.

    • Makes it possible to study abroad in a non-English speaking country without the exorbitant university fees – study Sociology in Spain, Physics in France or Geography in Germany!  More and more universities also offer a year abroad as part of non-language degrees.

    • Helps if you plan to travel the world either in a gap year or later.

    Everyone takes at least one language to GCSE but why not think about taking two languages at Key Stage 4?  That way, you are leaving lots of options open when you have to make your Sixth Form choices.  Obviously, we would recommend the options that lead to two language GCSEs to anyone who really enjoys their language lessons.  In order to do a language at A Level, you have to do it at GCSE. The only exceptions to this might be girls who are native speakers. Speak to your teachers for details.

    French, German and Spanish require the language to have been studied at KS3.  If you speak a language at home which isn’t taught as part of our curriculum, we will try to make it possible for you to take exams in the language here if you so wish, although not as a replacement for our language options.


    How are the GCSE courses in French, German and Spanish organised?

    Thematic content

    1. My personal world - Family, friends and relationships.

    2. Lifestyle and wellbeing - Equality, physical/mental wellbeing, food & drink, sport.

    3. My neighbourhood - Places in town, shopping, natural world, environment.

    4. Media and technology - Music, TV, film, social media & gaming.

    5. Studying and my future - School, future opportunities.

    6. Travel and tourism - Tourist attractions, accommodation, transport. 


    You have already studied aspects of most of these in your language lessons at Key Stage 3.  You will use an online course book and will make use of the various subscriptions we have available.


    How is it assessed?

    There is no coursework; all of the exams are at the end of the two year period.  Speaking exams will be conducted by your teacher towards the end of the course, and then sent away for marking.

    The GCSEs for all 3 languages are new from September 2024.  The new courses have been made more accessible for students.  Some of the topics are new but the major changes are as follows:

    1. Entire course based around 1700 items of vocabulary - many of which you have done at Key Stage 3.

    2. Any other vocabulary you might use is counted but not required.

    3. All questions on Reading, Listening and Writing exams are in English.

    4. All answers on Reading and Listening exams are multiple choice or in English.

    5. Any new vocabulary necessary for a reading text will be in a glossary on the exam paper.

    6. Each listening excerpt will now be played 3 times instead of 2.

    7. Instructions for role plays in the oral are now in English.

    8. Role plays come from a set list and are all transactional in nature.

    9. Students get to choose the topic for one section of the oral.

    10. Choice of questions for the writing exam.


    Other Information           

    We run exchanges with partner schools in France, Spain and Germany.  As well as having a great time, you will come back speaking much more fluently and with increased confidence.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mr Baird (Head of MFL), Mrs Lemonde (Head of French), Mrs Medley (Head of Spanish), your languages teacher or the Language Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the Edexcel website where you will find the specifications.



    AQA 8271

    Why study Music?

    If you are passionate about music, enjoy performing music (either as a soloist or as part of an ensemble), creating your own music or using music technology, then this is an excellent subject to choose!  If you like writing music of your own, then the composition modules will give you the opportunity to explore this further.  If you wish to broaden your knowledge of different musical genres, including Classical, Popular, Jazz and World Music, then this exciting course will give you an appreciation and greater understanding of all these musical styles and more.  

    The subject is extremely stimulating, giving you the chance to explore your individual passion for a specific style of music whilst working to your strengths and following your own musical interests.  Performance is expected to be around the grade 4 level by the end of the course, but you do not need to have taken graded exams to choose this course. If you are already working at that standard or higher, then you will be aiming for the highest grades in performance.  70% funding for instrumental lessons is available for Pupil Premium students taking GCSE Music.

    For the vast majority of students, this course is essential if you intend to further your musical studies at A Level or embark on a university course in this wide subject genre. A number of  GCSE Music students have gone on to study the subject at university and music college. Equally, if you just want to take a creative subject at GCSE level to broaden your choices, then Music is a strong and sensible choice to make.  It complements other subjects within the KS4 curriculum and enables students to have an outlet for their creative expression. It is regarded highly by prospective universities and employers, as a subject that demonstrates creativity and teamwork, as well as the pursuit of wider interests.


    How is the course organised?

    • Performing   NEA       30%       One solo performance, one ensemble performance

    • Composing    NEA       30%       Two compositions, one in response to a brief and one ‘free’ composition

    • Understanding Music      Exam     40%       Four areas of study including listening to, analysing and contextualising both set works and unfamiliar music


    How is it assessed?

    All NEA is internally marked and moderated by the exam board.  Composition pieces are continually worked on during lesson time throughout the two-year course with regular feedback on how to improve.  There is a 1½ hour listening exam at the end of the course based on the four areas of study.


    Other information

    Areas of Study:

    1.      Western Classical Tradition 1650-1910          Baroque, Classical & Romantic music, including a set work by Beethoven

    2.      Popular Music                                               Pop, rock, film & computer gaming music, musical theatre, including three tracks by Queen

    3.      Traditional Music                                          Contemporary Latin music, folk music of the British Isles,  Afro-Caribbean fusions, blues

    4.      Western Classical Tradition Since 1910          Music by Copland, British composers, Kodaly & Bartok, Minimalism


    How can I find out more?    

    See Mr Warner (Director of Music) or a Music Subject Ambassador. Also, have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 

    Physical Education


    OCR J587

    Why study GCSE Physical Education?

    You will enjoy this course and benefit from it if you have an interest in Physical Education, or are considering a career in Physiotherapy, the Fitness Industry, the Leisure Industry, Sports Psychology, Nutrition, becoming a Physical Education Teacher or if you are keen to specialise in Sports Injuries. In most cases, students who take A Level PE have studied it at GCSE.


    How is it assessed?

    Unit 1:  Physical factors affecting performance (30%)  

    Written Paper:  1 hour

    Students visit a variety of topics including the structure and function of the skeletal system, the structure and function of the muscular system, movement analysis, cardiovascular and respiratory system, effects of exercise on body systems, components of fitness, applying the principles of training, preventing injury in physical activity and training.

    Unit 2:  Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology (30%)  

    Written Paper:  1 hour  

    Students visit a variety of topics including engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports, commercialisation of physical activity and sport, ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport, sports psychology, health, fitness and well-being, diet and nutrition.

    Unit 3:  Performance in Physical Education (40%)

    Candidates are required to provide video evidence of them playing/performing in competitive situations in and outside of school.  This is a requirement of the exam board and may be sent to the moderator to be assessed.  Students may begin collecting video evidence in the summer term before the course has begun due to seasonal sport restrictions.

    3.1         Performance of three activities:  one individual, one team and one from either list 

    Individual sports:  Amateur boxing, Athletics, Badminton, Boccia, Canoeing, Cross Country Running, Cycling, Dance, Diving, Equestrian, Figure Skating, Golf, Gymnastics, Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Rowing, Sailing, Sculling, Skiing, Snowboarding, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Trampolining, Boccia, Polybat, Windsurfing 

    Team sports:   Acrobatic Gymnastics, Association Football, Badminton, Basketball, Camogie, Cricket, Dance, Gaelic football, Figure Skating, Futsal, Goal ball, Handball, Hockey, Hurling, Ice Hockey, Inline Roller Hockey, Lacrosse, Netball, Rowing, Rugby League/Union, Squash, Sailing, Sculling, Table Cricket, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball, Blind Cricket, Powerchair Football, Wheelchair Basketball/Rugby, Water Polo.

    Candidates can be assessed in a sport they pursue outside of school, provided it is on the list of approved activities which is listed in the specification.  

    3.2         Analysing and Evaluating Performance (AEP), 14 hours of written work to complete during lesson time.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Sole-Bradley (Director of Sport), Miss Cross (KS4 PE Coordinator), your PE teacher or the PE Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the OCR website where you will find the specification: 

    Religious Studies


    AQA 8062

    Why study Religious Studies – Philosophy and Ethics?

    The course is designed to promote an enquiring, critical and sympathetic approach to the study of the Philosophy of Religion, our responses to moral issues and the fundamental questions of life.  It is an enjoyable quest, and is open to everyone regardless of personal religious commitment.  Students will learn how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture and develop valuable skills that will help them prepare for further study.


    How is the course organised?

    There are two components:

    • Beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity and Islam

    • Four Religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes. These are selected from the following options:

    Theme A: Relationships and families

    Theme B:   Religion and life

    Theme C:   The existence of God and revelation

    Theme D:   Religion, peace and conflict

    Theme E:   Religion, crime and punishment

    Theme F:   Religion, human rights and social justice


    How is it assessed?

    Two written papers of 1¾ hours each.


    What are the special features of the course?

    Studying two separate but mutually complementary units lets us study Religious Belief and the Philosophy of Religion in the greatest depth and detail possible at GCSE level.  It provides a strong foundation for progression to the study of Religious Studies at A level. Although desirable, you do not need RS GCSE to study RS at A level at AHS, however you do need a humanity GCSE.


    Other information

    This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to develop skills in literacy, communication, co‑operation with others, taking responsibility for their own learning and the consolidation of ICT skills.  The course has been chosen to promote an ability to analyse religious and moral attitudes to the everyday problems and issues in our society, as well as to the fundamental questions of mankind, and to discuss these in a mature and tolerant manner.


    How can I find out more?

    See Mrs Knight (Head of Religious Studies), email her ([email protected]) or contact the RS Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: 

    Textile Design



    Why study Textile Design?

    Textiles Design is an exciting opportunity to create, manipulate and apply a range of materials such as fibres, yarns and fabrics, and processes such as weaving, knitting, stitching and printing to create designs and products. This will be achieved by students investigating and referring to fashion designers and textiles artists and developing students’ knowledge of fabrics, equipment and a variety of decorative techniques in order for them to be able to respond in an exciting, creative and imaginative way. 

    Textiles designers play an important role in the world of fashion, theatre, performance and retail. Leading to roles such as furnishing designer, costume designer, interior designer and set designers. It can also lead into fashion as a fashion designer, or into merchandising and buying. 


    How is the course organised?

    During all of Year 10 and part of Year 11, students will work on a project; the starting point that students will be asked to explore and interpret through the media of textiles is ‘Weathered’. Students often focus their studies primarily on nature, however there is a lot of scope when you think outside the box for this project.  The work begins by investigating using observations, sketches and drawings, photographs and practical sample experimentation work.  Students will need to look at relevant designers and textile artists to inform creative decisions and designs, before leading to them creating a 3D interpretation. Over the course of the project, students will explore a range of different areas from the following; fashion design, soft furnishings, construction textiles (weaving, knitting, felting), stitched and embellishment textiles, surface pattern, dyed fabrics and printed fabrics.

    All work produced is then displayed at the end of course GCSE Summer exhibition, where friends and family will get the opportunity to look at all the students' hard work and amazing pieces!


    How is it assessed?

    Personal Portfolio (60%): Unit 1TE0/01

    One unit of coursework is internally set and assessed, and externally moderated.  

    Externally Set Assignment (40%): Unit 1TE0/02 

    The ESA paper is released at the beginning of January in Year 11.  It consists of preparatory studies, based on the thematic starting point, followed by a ten-hour timed test under examination conditions where students work unaided to produce personal responses.

    In accordance with JCQ guidance, students cannot further revise work for their NEA after any marks have been shared.  This includes the Year 11 mock exam piece.


    How can I find out more? 

    Speak to Mrs Taylor (Head of Textiles) and also feel free to come and have a look at the work produced by students in Years 10 and 11.  Have a look at the Edexcel website where you will find the specification: 

    Please note that you should probably not take Textiles if you are taking Art GCSE.  If you are considering this combination, we will want a meeting in school with parents to discuss the implications.