Please Note: In all cases where claims are made, the school, as the policy holder makes contact with the insurance company. Parents/carers and students should not contact the company themselves.
Details on the school’s educational visits and charging policies can be found at Educational Visits Policy and Charging Policy.
Letters and details about school trips and visits will be sent to parents/carers via ParentMail on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please remember to check your emails regularly.
If any changes occur during a trip such as arrival time back to school parents can phone the school trip voicemail on 01296 388239 for information.
Staff on trips and visits will only be able to hold and administer medications for students where parents do not feel they are competent in storing and taking medication on their own.
All medication brought on trips should be accompanied by the trip medication form, which should be completed and given to Matron the at least two weeks before the trip.
Medications should be in the original box, named and with the original instructions.
Staff do not carry any basic medication in their first aid kit such as Paracetamol, Migraleve, Ibuprofen or Antihistamine so students will need to ensure they have their own supply to take if needed. Further details about the school’s medical policy can be found here.
As with all trips we want students and staff to have an enjoyable experience. It is important that if you or the school feels that there are any issues prior to the trip which may affect your daughter’s ability to participate that a discussion does happen with the school to ascertain that the school can appropriately support her on the trip.
We would not want anyone to be unable to take part in trips because of financial circumstances. Should you require assistance (whether your daughter is eligible for Pupil Premium Funding or not) please complete the confidential online form and reference the relevant trip code found on the letters. Please note, completing this form will be required before the deadline passes for signing up to any trips.
If you have any queries about trips and visits please contact the Finance Office or Mr Pitchers.