Post- Results Services Summer 2024

Couldn’t get a University place?: If your University Place is pending, we advise that you request a Priority Review of Marking (Service P2).

However, if you are unhappy with your results and would like to get them checked, you can apply for any of the following post-result services depending upon your need and urgency level.

  1. Priority copy of the marked paper to decide if you want a Clerical Re-check or Review of Marking
  2. Clerical Re-check for a component or a subject – Service 1
  3. Review and Priority Review of Marking – Service 2 & P2 (you’ll receive a copy of the reviewed script as part of this service)
  4. Review of Moderation – Service 3 (for controlled assessment or coursework)

Once you have made your mind that you want to apply for a particular post-result service, do consider checking the deadline and applicable fee. These are mentioned below. You can make an application for post-result services by filling the attached form and submitting it directly to the school’s Exams Officer Mrs Ritu Tripathy ([email protected]). Please note no action will be taken unless the fee is fully paid for your applied service.

Post-Result Services Timelines

Qualification Post-Results Services Deadline for making a request
AS and A-level Priority review of marking (service P2) – eg university place pending (AS and A-level) 22 August 2024
AS and A-level Priority copy of marked paper (access to scripts) to decide next steps 29 August 2024
GCSE Priority copy of marked paper (access to scripts) to decide next steps 5 September 2024
GCSE, AS and A-level Clerical re-check (service 1)
Review of marking (service 2)
Moderation review (service 3)
26 September 2024
GCSE, AS and A-level


Original marked paper (access to scripts) 26 September 2024


Post-Result Service Application Form for Summer 2024

Post-Result Services Fee for Summer 2024