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    The AHSA is Aylesbury High School’s parent-teacher association. We’re a very active and sociable group of parents that gets together once a month to organise social and fundraising events for the school.

    Over the years we’ve raised thousands of pounds, which have been used by the school to buy a range of specialist equipment that has helped enrich and enhance the students’ educational experiences such as:

    • Visual display monitors for the Art, Textiles and Food Technology departments
    • Musical instruments
    • Training programmes to extend the school’s sports options (Cardio Tennis)
    • A state-of-the art sound system and new stage curtains for the Harding Hall.
    • Large screen TVs in the English department

    Keep up to date with all the AHSA news

    But it is not all about raising money! Through our activities, we’ve made lots of new friends and had a great deal of fun along the way! As parents and carers of AHS pupils, you’re automatically members of the AHSA so we’d love you to join us. Here’s how to get involved:

    Become an active Association member

    To get the most out of the AHSA, come and join our monthly meetings – we’d love to hear your ideas. We are currently meeting virtually on Google Meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm. Email us via [email protected] for details on how to join the meeting.

    Offer a pair of helping hands
    If you don’t have time to join our meetings, look out for our emails where you can sign up to help at one of our events, provide cakes for sale or offer donations of raffle prizes.

    Take part in our Monthly Cash Draw!
    For a one-off £20 payment each September, our Monthly Cash Draw offers you the chance to win a cash sum every month from October – July, currently £350 per month. This year’s donation to the AHSA will be £3,500!

    Donate to AHS for free while you shop
    Signing up at and nominating Aylesbury High School as your chosen cause means the AHSA receives a percentage of your purchase price at no cost to you! With over 600 stores like Amazon, Tesco, John Lewis & Sainsbury’s participating, it’s easy to make a big difference. Last year, the AHSA raised over £1000 through The Giving Machine!

    Contact us:

    For further information, please contact us at [email protected]

    AHSA Committee

    Chair – Claire Walker
    Secretary – Chichi Ezeh
    Treasurer – Jo Qirjako

    “The AHSA provides great support to the school by organising highly enjoyable events that raise much-needed funds, which make a significant difference to the students’ education.

    From student discos and film nights for the girls, to the ever popular quiz night for the whole school community, the AHSA is there supporting our community.

    Their contribution is invaluable and the provision of all the interactive screens in the recent Tower Block refurbishment is just the latest example of the impact they make!”

    The Headteacher

    Consultation Evenings

    Consultation Evening Booking System

    Once a year, you are invited to talk with your daughter’s subject teachers.  We are using an online booking and video meet system currently for Consultation Evenings which we hope will make the whole process easier both for parents and the school.

    You will be sent a letter before your daughter’s consultation evening which tells you how to use the system and the date on which bookings will open for her year group. 

    You will be able to choose which subject teachers you would like to meet. However, booking is first-come, first-served, and some teachers teach more pupils than the number of appointment slots, so it will not be possible for them to meet everyone.

    The system initially restricts you to a maximum of six appointments but there will be an opportunity later in the booking week to make more appointments.

    Please look at the year group events under the calendar for the dates of this year’s consultation evenings.

    Leave of Absence Requests

    Please report your child’s COVID or other illness related absence through the

    Pupil absence line: 01296 388230

    Please access Edulink to submit your request.

    In exceptional circumstances, requests for Leave of Absence can be made to the School. This may include requests to attend a wedding or funeral of a first degree relative, a university visit, driving tests (not lessons), work experience, county level sport, and students in entertainment.

    The Leave of Absence request must be submitted at least one month before the proposed period of absence. The School is not permitted to authorise planned absence for any reason at the start of the academic year, in the run up to external examinations, during periods of controlled assessments or school exam periods.

    Please note that amendments made in 2013 to the Education Regulations 2006 (Pupil Registration England) make it unlikely that leave of absence for holidays will be granted in any but the most extreme circumstances.

    CATCHING UP ON MISSED WORK: If your daughter misses lessons, it is her responsibility to arrange methods of catching up with her teachers. Teachers are not expected to give individual support on her return to School.

    Under DfE Guidance, the School is not permitted to provide online learning for students to work away from school unless they are isolating because of Covid.



    Please also see the attached guide to Online Ordering.

    Please see our Affordable Uniform Policy for clear guidance on which items are needed and on what is acceptable.


    Letters Home

    Edulink One Guide

    A full guide for using our online platform Edulink One can be found here.

    Further Information: